Charlie's Auto Service de Ottawa

CanadaCharlie's Auto Service



🕗 horaire

1501, Sieveright Avenue, K1T 1M5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-736-0013
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3551647, Longitude: -75.6394624

commentaires 5

  • Nathan McCullough

    Nathan McCullough


    Excellent service, very fair pricing, got me in on short notice, took the time to make sure I understood everything. Definitely recommend giving Charlie’s a try.

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    Chatelaine06 JL


    He's an awesome mechanic. My family has been going to him for over 20 years!!! He's the best!

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    dave syme


    When ever I have non-warranty auto repairs, I always go to Charlie’s. His shop is honest, thorough, caring and very competitive in their pricing. Best auto shop in Ottawa, hands down! Dave S.

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    James Johnson


    Helped us out of a tight situation. Awesome quick service

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    Dustin Pilon


    Fast and friendly. They took the time to explain to me what needed fixing (exhaust, brakes, steering) and how they were going to go about it. Possibly not the best prices, but nowhere near the most expensive.

Réparation automobile la plus proche

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