C.D. Howe Building i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaC.D. Howe Building



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240, Sparks Street, K1A 0A5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 888-897-8858
internet side: www.240sparks.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.420474, Longitude: -75.702076

kommentar 5

  • Eric Saumur

    Eric Saumur


    There is a Lunch location in the basement. Yummiest vegetarian chili you will find.

  • en

    Eduard Ignea


    A huge government and retail building with rude sellers and nice government workers. The really bad part about it is/are the restrooms. In a building with hundreds if not thousands of visitors the only restroom in in the basement sometimes too far from your location. It also doesn't have any signs to point at it neither at second floor nor at first one.

  • Andrew McDonald

    Andrew McDonald


    Came in here for a meeting - got down into the food court and was able to enjoy the dry area. (there was freezing rain!!) Wasn't able to find free Wifi but after buying a hot chocolate at Timothy's I was able to get online. Also there is parking on the street around the area - or there is parking just a little south of the building -but like in any parking area downtown it is over priced!!

  • Martin Gerrits

    Martin Gerrits


    Had lunch in the food court of the building. Many restaurant options. We chose Jimmy The Greek. It was good at a fair price.

  • en

    Ravi Mehta


    Met some friends at the 3 Brewers. Good beer, good food! This is a big place and it's good for medium sized groups. The beer is good and the food is good too. Parking is a bit of a hassle, but if you are already downtown then this place is a great place to grab a pint.

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