Capital Hotel i St. John's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCapital Hotel



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208, Kenmount Road, A1B 3P2, St. John's, Division No. 1, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 709-738-4480
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.554098, Longitude: -52.771454

kommentar 5

  • Amanda Brophy-Fowler

    Amanda Brophy-Fowler


    The location was perfect for my needs which was the main reason for selecting the hotel, but as a bonus it is pet friendly. The rooms are comfortable and clean. The staff was very friendly and accommodating to my requests.

  • en

    Ed Randell


    Attended a Christmas banquet there. The surroundings were comfortable and the food was good. The staff did a great job. Great place to consider for an event.

  • Delores Mackey

    Delores Mackey


    Breakfast for the Celebration of Hope NL. The event was fantastic. The breakfast was yummy. Very tasty and great coffee. The servers were excellent. So very respectful and courteous.

  • en

    Jo Winter


    Very helpful and friendly staff. Rooms very clean and comfortable. Food served at Jack's dining room excellent! Will be staying there again in the near future!

  • Josh Styles

    Josh Styles


    I was attending an IT Security conference and the area we were in was large and well laid out. Lots of tables and chairs for all the attendees. Sound system was good for all the presenters and we had no problems hearing anyone. Temperature was well controlled though always seemed a bit too cold or a bit too warm. Food from the on site restaurant was delicious and simple for our event. Lots of drinks available at the bar as well. Only loses one star for the temperature fluctuation issue. Very minor but it was there. Overall would definitely recommend for any event.

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