Canadian Tire i Kitchener

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CanadaCanadian Tire



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1080, Victoria Street North, N2B 3C4, Kitchener, Waterloo Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-744-1153
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.4661728, Longitude: -80.459897

kommentar 5

  • Mir Lotfi

    Mir Lotfi


    I installed my Brakes here, but they have been making very loud noises in the past few days. I simply wanted to to ask if I am still covered under the warranty and to make an appointment to fix them if I am. After wasting 30-40 minutes on the phone, I couldn't talk to anyone in the Auto Service Department. In the first 5 times I called, my call was "transferred" and the phone got hanged up after 5-10 minutes. And the sixth time, someone told me that they will walk over to the department to talk to the guys and guess what, it got hanged up again after 10 minutes of waiting. Now I have to make the journey there just to schedule an appointment for a second visit !

  • Alexandra Froggett

    Alexandra Froggett


    I will never visit this CT location again. Has basically tainted CT for me in general and will never trust their Auto Mechanic Department again. Went in because my breaks needed work and they came back and quoted me $4000 worth of work and an insane amount for labour alone. They also LAUGHED at me when they were telling me about it when running through the repairs. Took it to another mechanic who couldn't believe the bill. More than 3/4 of the repairs they said I needed I didn't and what I did need was a fraction of the cost ($800 vs $4000). From what I have read in their reviews on Google everyone has been scammed by them - wish I read the reviews beforehand.

  • Krista Sanderson

    Krista Sanderson


    I do not recommend this location. It's a small junky store and the auto services will try to rip you off for parts you don't need. I went here after work not long ago to have my car looked at. While I was waiting I tried to browse around the store and was carrying my backpack ON MY BACK since my personal belongings and work related documents were inside and I didn't want to leave it in my car. I was watched like a hawk a treated like a criminal. As I was walking back to the auto section, an employee told me twice to leave my backpack at the front of the store because it's "store policy". I refused because I was on my way back to get my car, the paying customer that I am. This "policy" makes no sense to me. Had I been holding my purse or handbag I would have been left alone, yet I'm sure it would be easier to steal things having a purse or bag at your side rather than a closed backpack on your back. I found it extremely rude and personally insulting. Then back at auto service they tried to rip me off for parts I knew I didn't need. I could have wasted $600+ here. Instead I paid for the diagnostic, went elsewhere and saved $350!! If the girl in the store hadn't put me in a sour mood by jumping down my throat about my bag, I might have been stupid enough to spend the ridiculous amount of money here. Take your store policy and stick it. I'll never return to this garbage location and will be sure to never use a Canadian Tire Auto service ever again.

  • Paul Malefic

    Paul Malefic


    This is a smaller Canadian Tire and although it doesn't carry as much as the other big brother stores, don't let that fool you. They carry quite a bit of products that are hard to find. They also have a definitive hunting section. The majority of staff are also well educated towards the products they sell in general and their specific area to which they are enlisted. I shop here frequently, especially when other stores are busy and its close to my house.

  • en

    Deb Russell


    I had a great experience today while shopping here. I could not find a fire bowl on my own, and when looking lost, a staff promptly asked me if she could help. She checked stock and immediately called to warehouse boys to get on and bring it all the way to my car. As I waited, I noticed manager and more staff vigorously helping another customer find a shoe rack. Very impressed with the service and care put into their customers today! A bit refreshing

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