Canadian Tire i Fort McMurray

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCanadian Tire



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1, Hospital Street, T9H 5C1, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 780-791-6400
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.7212598, Longitude: -111.3562811

kommentar 5

  • Bee mirza

    Bee mirza


    Good quality products but customer serivd is not as I was expecting in Canadian tire. Free parking, handicap parking plus Handicap. Always on top with seasonal stuff. Always best quality stuff piece some time high and some products never saw on promotions public(customer) washroom- Auto checkout counter but not enough space

  • Berts Garage

    Berts Garage


    Do not even try to get help from the staff they are basically trained to avoid you. To get a job here I think you must need to be an expert at avoiding eye contact, acting busy, and finding backalleys to sneak your way through the store as to not interact with customers. There's like two good workers there and the rest might as well be on nightshift when there's no customers around.

  • en

    cohen landry


    Had me on hold for 1.5hours I finally went in store (still on hold) went up to the guy & asked if they were busy. He said no. When I informed him I was on hold & as been for an hour & a half he got snarky. They ended up telling me all they had left to do was change the battery. I sat in their waiting room for another 1.5 hours. Do not give them your service unless every other business goes bankrupt

  • Roger Llaneta

    Roger Llaneta


    It's better to watch YouTube and DIY than trust them, they just want to milk people. Helpful maybe but if you do it on your own then don't be here.

  • en

    Stefan R


    The automotive manager was awesome. Service personnel where enthusiastic, friendly and fun. My oil change almost happened too quickly. I walked away being impressed.... My customer service is beyond reproach and I was pleasantly surprised to be on the receiving end.

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