CAA Store - Oshawa i Oshawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCAA Store - Oshawa



🕗 åbningstider

1050, Simcoe Street North, L1G 4W5, Oshawa, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-723-5203
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.9244314, Longitude: -78.8759956

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Brady

    Kevin Brady


    Went to get passport photos and were thrilled that they were free because of our membership. Love CAA.

  • en

    Keith Olorenshaw


    Goid service, very imformative.

  • en

    Kathie Fitzsimmons


    Freeway CAA came this evening in Oshawa to pull the rear-wheel Pontiac G8 back onto the paved driveway. Back wheel was not touching the ground and spinning in air. He took extra precautions. Went back to truck and laid extra wooden planks under the back tire so the car didn't get damaged in pulling it out of the ditch. That extra professionalism meant there be no damage to the underside of the car or the exhaust pipe that was close to touching the pavement. Great job!

  • en

    Jai Vossen


    A great source of travel information as well as a full range of travel products. The staff are very helpful and professional.

  • en

    Jayden Robins


    This CAA has been beautifully renovated and was a pleasure to go to. There was plenty of stuff to look at while you waited (the wait wasn't too long). There is also a very nice seating area. The staff were very pleasant and there were even some going around making sure that everyone was helped.

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