Burnside Terrace de Ottawa

CanadaBurnside Terrace


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

110, Forward Avenue, K1Y 4M2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
site web: www.ottawaproperties.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4088313, Longitude: -75.7329872

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jean Claude Munyankindi


    The quietest building in the quietest neighbourhood in Ottawa. Extremely clean building, on the upscale side. Great neighbors: a mix of owners and renters, young professionals/couples and retirees. Building has a decent-sized gym. Rooftop garden & BBQ pit. Parking included in the rent. Each unit comes with a storage unit. Mere minutes to the Ottawa River & bike trails. Laroche Park nearby for families with little ones. Less than 10 minutes to the nearest transit station (on weekdays, the Tunney's Pasture shuttle stops around the corner every half hour or so). Secured entrance (Cameras in the lobby) but not wheelchair accessible.

  • en

    Rosa Presutti


  • Joel Sardinha

    Joel Sardinha


  • Jordan Smith

    Jordan Smith


    Good place. Lovely entryway.

  • Bj Binette

    Bj Binette


    Very old buildings but at least they are well maintained

Lodging la plus proche

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