Budget Car & Truck Rental i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBudget Car & Truck Rental



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443, Somerset Street West, K1R 5J7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-232-1527
internet side: www.budget.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.41462, Longitude: -75.698998

kommentar 5

  • Steve S

    Steve S


    The service here is what you would want. They are attentive and helpful. Prices are a little higher than the competition but you will generally get a better quality vehicle. Always quick and friendly!

  • Emma



    Great service and good cars available. I highly recommend to book in advance since they run out of cars very quickly. Their parking lot is tiny for all the cars they offer so you might want them to free your car from the crowd before you hit the road. You might also want to rent the car you want (it is more about categories than a specific brand ) online, because they have some promotions sometimes only giblets online!

  • Aster Aliu

    Aster Aliu


    I rented from this place a couple of times. The online advertisement and coupons are all lies, and when you call them they say they have nothing to do with those online advertisements. In addition, they will look for any reason or excuse to charge you extra on your credit cards. It is always a fight with them and I have been ripped off by then and I highly do not recommend anyone renting from here! big mistake!

  • Bryan Delaney

    Bryan Delaney


    I recommend this Budget location. The guys that work there work hard and the cars are great. I have multiple car rentals from this location and have always had great service and a great car. The operator Mr. Alam is great and makes the car rental process painless. If you are looking for an Ottawa car rental company near the core then look no further.

  • en

    md yasher


    I used to rent vehicle from enterprise but they always messed up with my reservation & always took longer to deliver my vehicle. Now I Always rent vehicle from budget this location because I always get great vehicle & service from here. If I book in advance I can make requests the type of vehicle I want and I always get better then I expect. So highly recommend. If you want to have a trouble free & better vehicle then it's a right place for you.

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