Bridgehead Coffee de Ottawa

CanadaBridgehead Coffee



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1277, Wellington Street, K1Y 3A8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-725-5500
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3993052, Longitude: -75.7344622

commentaires 5

  • Mark Whitton

    Mark Whitton


    People are nice but coffee is only fair. Decor is industrial grunge.

  • Paul Bastow

    Paul Bastow


    A very nice coffee shop with a friendly and helpful staff. Lots of comfortable seating and even a meeting table in the back of the establishment that can be used, provided arrangements are made before hand. A nice place to stop for a coffee and a snack, while shopping in this wonderful walkable area.

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    Bianca Bragaglia-Murdock


    It's a Bridgehead. :) The staff were polite and helpful, and the drinks tasty, but the location had an unpleasant odour and the bathrooms were in need of a refresh. (They weren't dirty, per se, but they definitely *looked* somewhat grimy.) This location could stand to be renovated, deep-cleaned, and updated.

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    Julia Ryan


    Bridgehead is not my favorite coffee but I love the atmosphere and the staff are always very friendly. Their food is also very yummy.

  • Jon Moore

    Jon Moore


    Pretty good, but seating is a real issue at this location. Most of the tables are extremely small and not suited to more than one person. If you're having a meeting here and you both have laptops, you'll need to fight for the only large table that's at the far back corner.

Café la plus proche

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