Bramalea City Centre de Brampton

CanadaBramalea City Centre



🕗 horaire

25, Peel Centre Drive, L6T 3R5, Brampton, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-793-9417
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.7150757, Longitude: -79.7223593

commentaires 5

  • en

    Pratima Parashar


    It's a beautiful mall with so many stores. It's old style all covered mall not like the one they are making these days where mall is not coveted and joined. It's very clean and beautiful. It had a vast variety of stores. The food court is amazing. It has all kind of food and ample can spend whole day and enjoy a family outing.

  • Ellen Aldajuste

    Ellen Aldajuste


    Great mall...lots of options. Big enough to go for a walk in winter...plenty of parking. Clean washrooms and good options for food. Nice that there is a 24-hour grocery store attached.

  • Maggie Chin

    Maggie Chin


    It's a mall. Elevator closest to the food court was out of service for about the first 2 years I moved to town. They were fixed for a few months then are now out of service again. With Sears closed, there are currently 2 elevators active in the entire mall. ALSO, all water fountains have been removed, so you'd better have money to buy sugary drinks. I'm giving a 2-star rating because it is at least close to the bus terminal and library.

  • Amumu Safadi

    Amumu Safadi


    Great shopping mall, plenty of parking available during the week and Very busy during the weekends. Plenty of stores inside and outside the mall. Great food selection in the food court and the only mall I know that has a metro grocery store.

  • Jolene LeBar

    Jolene LeBar


    Definitely improved over the years! Lots of fun new options for shopping and eating! Love the handy charging stations and customer service booths! Absolutely love the nursing rooms for nursing moms! Both Elevators are finally working again, so that’s amazing as well!

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