Boston Pizza i Chatham-Kent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBoston Pizza



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780, Saint Clair Street, N7M 5J7, Chatham-Kent, Chatham-Kent Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-351-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4314899, Longitude: -82.2212795

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kelsey Morrow


    I had a wonderful experience at this Boston Pizza locations they were very friendly and accommodating for my dad and 2 young children and myself. We had a wonderful time and the meal came out even before we were finished the appetizer which was nice. I highly recommend this place for a nice meal

  • Steve Mayne

    Steve Mayne


    This place enjoys amazing popularity in this town and I'm always surprised at how busy it is. The menu is OK, and they do stock the local craft beer, but it's quite expensive and not the greatest value for money.; clearly there's something that the usually conservative folk of Chatham like. Maybe it's the wait staff, who are always great. As with other chain restaurants, the owners could do with adding a couple of vegan options on the menu, and not just salad. Wake up to the vegan revolution and you'll be even more popular.

  • Mika L-A

    Mika L-A


    Best place to go! Friendly staff amazing people and the best deserts i have ever had

  • en

    Jelli Elliott


    Great, friendly servers. Comfy atmosphere. Large booths accommodate baby car seats easily.

  • Sabrina princess b

    Sabrina princess b


    Sports bar, great service. Pricy food but yummy. Reserve seats if want but not needs. Sat busiest day. Kids menus and gluten free.

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