BMO Bank of Montreal i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBMO Bank of Montreal



🕗 åbningstider

90, Elgin Street, K1P 0C6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-564-6037
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4218889, Longitude: -75.6942571

kommentar 5

  • Mackenzie Greasley

    Mackenzie Greasley


    Trying to do anything over the phone with them is nearly impossible. There’s a convoluted and tiring menu you have to go through that asks you all of these question about why you are calling, which then eventually leads you to the very same voicemail box in the end because no one ever answers the phone. They also take forever to call you back

  • Nur-E-Elahi Shonchoy

    Nur-E-Elahi Shonchoy


    They don’t have enough atm booths neither good offers/features like other banks

  • en

    Jean-Philippe Bélanger


    Employee at the front desk chews gum with his mouth open like a barnyard animal

  • Derek R.

    Derek R.


    Wondered why the front staff were so terrible, all you have to do is speak to a manager, who is simply a total douche. VERY unprofessional.

  • Diogo Mattoso

    Diogo Mattoso


    Avoid this branch! Staff is completely lost here. Go to the branch at 269 Laurier Ave W for a top-notch service.

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