BMO Bank of Montreal de Calgary

CanadaBMO Bank of Montreal



🕗 horaire

727, 17 Avenue Southwest, T2S 0B6, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-234-1823
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0376618, Longitude: -114.079121

commentaires 5

  • Oliver Hess

    Oliver Hess


    They have to start answering the phone....or at very least return calls.

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    Rory McClernon


    Terrible hours, parking requires payment and far too often there is a homeless person sleeping in the lobby.

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    Joshua Champagne


    Bank closes at 5, I get there for a simple wire transfer at 4:55 with all the information and they refused to do it. You'd think a little decency but nope. Sorry some of us have jobs with legitamite hours.

  • my hidden jewelry

    my hidden jewelry


    Great bank. Small and friendly. Hardly ever a line up. Tellers are friendly. And has atm machines here.

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    Jared Larsen


    When asking for them to release funds, had my character judged by a guy who hasn't worked there as long as I've been going to this branch, and then pointing out a customer in the line to say, "See, this gentleman, he is a regular. For him? No holds." I've been a BMO client for 15 years and have been receiving cheques from the same company for 6. Definitely didn't make me feel like my business was worth his time.

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