Best Western Plus Regency Inn & Conference Centre i Abbotsford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBest Western Plus Regency Inn & Conference Centre



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32110, Marshall Road, V2T 1A1, Abbotsford, Fraser Valley, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-853-3111
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.037581, Longitude: -122.3342874

kommentar 5

  • Bob Askow

    Bob Askow


    Room too noisy all night due to highway traffic. If we were on other side may be quieter??? Otherwise nice room and comfortable bed. Love lamps with 2 plugs built into each one for our electronic toys.

  • en

    cak nadeau


    I have been to many hotels over the years, my stay at the Best Western Plus Regency Inn & Conference Centre in Abbottsford was THE BEST by far even compared to some high end, very expensive ones! The service was personalized, very courteous, efficient. Staff was very helpful, I would like to make a special note of Shandi... She went out of her way to make our stay the most enjoyable it could be! Thank you to the whole staff.... everyone was awesome!

  • Mike Stotland

    Mike Stotland


    I was waiting for someone, and a parking attendant ran up to my car within the first 10 seconds of me being there and gave me a ticket, no warning or nothing. The parking attendant didn't even have any identifying marks or a uniform. The website for the ticketing service has nothing but a payment section, no dispute email or number. The back of the ticket states the amount is to cover lost revenue and cost of patrol, I know for the fact that lot isn't a paid lot, parking is free, therefore the patrol services are unnecessary. For a hotel who's goal is customer service, it makes no sense to hire such a ruthless company to handle parking. Unprofessional in appearance and attitude, not customer oriented, and no courtesy of a warning to move or get ticketed. No inquiring as to why I've parked there.

  • Hana Dudeen

    Hana Dudeen


    Overall, the room was clean and inviting. Bathroom was a bit small but workable. The pool area was also nice. Breakfast was great with plenty of options to choose from. We loved our stay overall and would certainly return again.

  • en

    Lorraine Janzen


    This hotel exceeded my expectations. The rooms could use updating, the carpet could be replaced as water damage showed but they have the most amazing continental breakfast I have ever had!! There was something different with the hot food every day and we stayed three nights. The Ricky's restaurant attached is incredible, pleasant, family cozy atmosphere. The food is delicious. Overall this was a great place to stay!!!

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