Best Buy w Winnipeg

KanadaBest Buy



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1580, Regent Avenue West, R2C 2Y9, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakt telefon: +1 204-661-8157
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 49.8965062, Longitude: -97.0663563

komentarze 5

  • en

    rock solid lion


    When going to get a hdmi cable for my youtube channel (zetricks gaming) i found they over price alot of stuff i recommend just going to walmart cheaper and quicker

  • Extermination



    It the only electronic store near by, Memory Express is way better in prices and what they have in stock. They over price many items like HDMI cables, Ethernet cables and more. Usually you'll run into someone who works there but won't know much of their product. Girlfriend and I decided grab a movie and apparently it's not in stock, but looking at the selection it always looks like someone was putting moved away the decided to quit their job and leave so the isle is always a mess.

  • en

    Garth Leverick


    I purchased a asus lap top for my son. The computer did not hold a charge since day one. I brought the computer back 4 times to the geek squad all with in a year. They even tried to charge me for their so called diagnostic. I had all the paper work for every servicing. The manager didn't even look at the paperwork and said the battery needs to be replaced just by looking at it, and I had 14 days if I was not satisfied with the product. I had 1 year warranty and the geek squad could not diagnose this problem 4 times. Live and learn, go down the street to cosco, better service better warranty.

  • en

    Megan GM


    I have always had a terrible experience purchasing electronics from here. I had asked very specific questions regarding features on smart watches. One of the smart watches I had purchased for my husband, I was told did not have some of the features I was looking for but another more expensive brand did. The watch without the features I was looking for appealed to me more so this is the one I had purchased. Upon bringing the watch home and setting it up- as it turned out this specific watch DID infact have the features I was looking for ! Which was great for us , but frustrating I almost walked away from it and spent more money than I had to because I had been given incorrect information. I had recently upgraded the watch and again had asked very specific questions regarding the watch and had to wait around while each sales person had to find another sales person to answer my questions. It had seemed no one had a clue what information I was looking for. I had brought the watch home and again had been given the wrong information of the features of the watch this time not to our bennefit. So we had to drive across the city to make a return. The staff perhaps need more specific training on the products and brands that are sold in their departments and need to have the knowledge to provide proper services.

  • Glen Doty

    Glen Doty


    Joban came to help us decide on our purchase as soon as could be. He offered the perspective of experience and we were done quickly. Nicely done.

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