Bedrock Motel & RV Park i Mayo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBedrock Motel & RV Park


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Silver Trail, Y0B 1M0, Mayo, Yukon, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 867-996-2290
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Latitude: 63.6105578, Longitude: -135.8810221

kommentar 5

  • en

    sam Sh


    The place is in dire need of renovation and upgrade. The rooms are very smelly and very cold if you get lucky and have to stay in winter time. And the front of the lodge is covered with dog poops and yellow snow. 👎👎👎

  • Christian DieOertel

    Christian DieOertel


    All you need for a stay in the heart of the yukon

  • Nils Kramer

    Nils Kramer


    Der Eigentümer ist sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend und immer hilfsbereit ! Ganz in in der Nähe ist der Flugplatz und der Hangar von Nils Kramer und den Yukon Aviators.

  • es

    Raquel Arriaga


    Tranquilo, limpio todos los servicios para rv, barato y muy amables

  • en

    Moe Best


    - Building smells like a fraternity house - Rooms had no heat. Lucky to get a space heater. But we had two rooms with only one heater. My colleague slept with his clothes on because it was cold. We filled our tubs with hot water to help with the heat. - Bulbs were blown/missing. - TV was old and needs to be updated. - Had to go to local grocery store to buy food to cook in the microwave in the main dining hall. No microwave in the room. - Owner dogs roamed freely inside the building and the hallways. Here on business and will make sure that no one else stays here. Please go somewhere else.

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