Batteries And Gadgets i Toronto

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CanadaBatteries And Gadgets



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218, Yonge Street, M5B 2H1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 416-901-7223
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6530866, Longitude: -79.3802908

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nathan Jones


    Condescending staff, provided the wrong information and had to spend hours on the phone trying to rectify the situation after leaving the store. Avoid.

  • Mikhail Peabody

    Mikhail Peabody


    Their website doesn't work without disabling adblock. I'm not gonna disable adblock to find out information about your store, I'm just gonna go shop somewhere else.

  • Lavina Lewis

    Lavina Lewis


    I had my sim stuck in the phone without the tray. Went from store to store. Mr. Ali and Mr. Irfan were so helpful. They removed the sim for FREE. I can't believe this. I would suggest this store to everyone that needs help for repairs. THEY ARE THE BEST. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am very grateful. Yvonne and Karyn.

  • en

    Jill Thomson


    My rating would be 0 stars - ABSOLUTE SCAMMERS! Please do your research before shopping here! I will be reporting them to the BBB and Toronto Star and Chatr Mobile. I never post reviews but felt I had to since I am tired of businesses like this one, cheating people with lies and false claims. A business could not be anymore shady, as evidenced by their website. This business sold my daughter an Iphone battery and stated that they are an "Authorized Apple Reseller". I later contacted Apple Canada Inc. directly and was informed that are absolutely NOT. So if you buy anything there that is Apple do not expect it to be warrantied. Also charged 80.00 for a Chatr Mobile phone chip and was told by the salesperson that the cost of the chip would be reimbursed by Chatr. I also later phoned Chatr Mobile only to discover that they are only loosely associated with Chatr, that we would NOT be reimbursed for the chip and that a full Chatr Mobile store would have replaced it for 10.00. Shame on Chatr Mobile for being associated in anyway with this store. Chatr did mention that stores like these are working on commission so they jack up prices to suit their needs. Do your research and save yourself money and grief. I will be following up with the owner of this store and will follow with another review.

  • Kingsley Ngadi

    Kingsley Ngadi


    They are the most useless, unhelpful and unfriendly people. One of the sales "person" would not listen to my questions/statements, he spoke in a rude demeanour. The first time I went to purchase a product from them, they did not tell/explain their return or exchange policy thus when I went back to return the product they won't accept it, even though I did not use the product which was still in its box unopened. Not sure if this is how all the other locations is like, I highly hope it isn't . But I will definitely not be going back to this garbage of place that they call a store nor would recommend this store to anyone. STAY AWAY from this store.

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