Avis Car Rental de Toronto

CanadaAvis Car Rental



🕗 horaire

161 Bay St Unit 140 BCE (Concourse Lvl), Brookfield Place, Toronto, ON M5J 2S1, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-777-2847
site web: www.avis.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.646414, Longitude: -79.378569

commentaires 5

  • Alex Karasyov

    Alex Karasyov


    I've been coming here for 3 years, and for the most part this is a good location , but there are a couple of employees that have no manners and basically treat you like dirt. I am also a preferred customer which makes this extra sad. Really wish there was a way to complain about this, but Avis has no system for this.

  • en

    John Snow


    Please avoid this place at any cost if you don't want to overpay and scammed. This branch has shady business tactics! They charged me $120 extra for being 15 minutes late which was more than an entire day of rental! I was late only because this place is really hard to find. Staff is not helpful and trained to make customers overpay for stuff they don't want! Manager is so rude! She screamed at me from her cabin "It is your fault and you must pay!" I would advise you to stay away from AVIS and rent from rental companies that are just steps away from this place.

  • en

    Val R


    On arrival, staff at the desk was very friendly and well mannered, especially the person at the car-return desk; I believe his name was: Ionut Petre. We rented for 8 days, no hidden fees, car was clean, almost new; all-in-all it was both a good deal and experience for us. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Karl S


    Located in the garage of Brookfield palace. You can enter by driving down the parking entrance on the north side of Front St. W. and follow the signs for Avis once in the garage. I suggest you fill up the tank with gas before returning the car, since the cost of having Avis doing it for you is excessive, about x3 the price. Returning the car was a smooth experience, staff was quick and helpful.

  • es

    Alfredo Martínez


    Nos salió mucho más barato entrando en la página de Avis de Canadá directamente.

Location de voiture la plus proche

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