Auberge Marquis de Montcalm i Sherbrooke

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CanadaAuberge Marquis de Montcalm



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797, Rue du Général-De Montcalm, J1H 1J2, Sherbrooke, La Région-Sherbrookoise, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-823-7773
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.402313, Longitude: -71.900228

kommentar 5

  • Marc Fournier

    Marc Fournier


    Hosts are very helpfull and accommodating. Breakfast was delicious and the bed was very comfortable.

  • Ann Burruss

    Ann Burruss


    Fun decor, furnished with everything you need, comfortable bed, quiet and conveniently located. What more could you want? Delicious breakfast and considerate and helpful hosts -- yes! This B&B has it all.

  • Stephane Gagne

    Stephane Gagne


    Got the top-floor suite. Amazing and spacious room. Great decoration. Not 5-star because : (1) king-size bed is actually two mattresses... so there is a "crack" in the centre. (2) water temperature takes very long to stabilize in the shower (a few minutes). But than stays stable. Nothing major. (3) breakfast was delicious, although portion was a tad small. I was still hungry after breakfast. That said, the espresso was a welcomed bonus.

  • Jennifer Bo Boyette

    Jennifer Bo Boyette


    This is an absolute gem! The owners are so helpful in where to go and what to see in the area. (And they speak perfect English.) The breakfast was wonderful and I wish we could stay another week. I recommend this B&B and the Sherbrook area to anyone traveling to/from Montreal or Quebec City. Love it and can't wait to come back! 5 huge stars!

  • Peter Kraska

    Peter Kraska


    Very friendly owner, realized we didn't speak French well and did his best to accommodate and make us feel welcome. Very helpful in pointing out attractions in the area. The Marquis de Montcalm is about a 10 minute walk to wellington street and very close to many bars and restaurants. Great location! The rooms are definitely unique, there are interesting murals on the walls and the furniture is straight out of another era. I don't normally stay at B&Bs, but it has been a very pleasant experience so far. Haven't tried the breakfast yet, but with how everything else has been so far, I'm sure it will be great. Definitely two thumbs up!

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