Atlantica Hotel Halifax i Halifax

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaAtlantica Hotel Halifax


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1980, Robie Street, B3H 3G5, Halifax, Halifax Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 902-423-1161
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.6467175, Longitude: -63.5907074

kommentar 5

  • James Melanson

    James Melanson


    Service was great. Location was great. The room was just barely OK for the price we paid. Broken hard to use TV remote, mismatched spot painted bathroom door with a chipped broken bottom. Broken tub drain. Small room. Room was near an ice machine so you'd hear the stair access door slam and the ice machine go then the person would leave slamming the door again. Bring ear plugs. If you get that room. Frustrating.

  • Tammy Pickering

    Tammy Pickering


    This is a convenient place to stay, centrally located although for some a little to far to walk to the water front, but there is a city transit bus stop across the street, which makes it easier than finding a parking place. They have a pool and what we liked was there is a kiddy pool my 5 year old granddaughter was able to get in the water too. The hot tub is lovely. The rooms are great and have a couple bottle of water which is great when I am used to well water. Having a dining room on site with really great food is so convenient, again saves looking for parking. Breakfast buffet is great, a little more money than what I would normally pay but again convenient. The concierge is helpful, his name was Ryan. I recommend staying here, the price was also the lowest over the Easter week-end.

  • Teekay Fourtwoone

    Teekay Fourtwoone


    Everything seemed clean and tidy. Staff were friendly and helpful. The pool was nice. I enjoyed my food from the hotel restaurant. They provided a wheelchair for us when our child returned from surgery at the nearby IWK Children's hospital. They made a tough time a lot more comfortable.

  • en

    Jasmine Cottreau


    Booked for a good deal but didn’t put that you had to pay for parking online. We got to the hotel, we couldn’t park our truck. The workers at the front desk weren’t friendly nor helpful. The worker wouldn’t go check in the over size parking lot. They wanted us to park on the side of the roads where it is tow zone. They wouldn’t give our money back. I will never recommend this hotel

  • Melanie Kelloway

    Melanie Kelloway


    Very nice. The seasons restaurant had the most amazing food and the lounge had delicious drinks and friendly staff. Rooms were nice and well kept. Staff was pleasant and helpful. Poop area was clean and kept with hot towels. Gym was small but usable.

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