Aspen Ridge Campgrounds i High Level

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CanadaAspen Ridge Campgrounds


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10109, 96 St, T0H 1Z0, High Level, Division No. 17, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 780-926-4540
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Latitude: 58.4906994, Longitude: -117.1647181

kommentar 5

  • Steve Trower

    Steve Trower


    Rates are fair, nIce common area.

  • Jo Pavlov

    Jo Pavlov


    The absolute highlight of our 23 day road trip to Yellowknife... this is probably one of the only places to camp about 7 hours from Yellowknife, so we stopped there on the way and on the way out. Staff was SO SO SO friendly and camp kitty cat was charming. Amenities were fabulous, hot showers, laundry, sites were close to the bathroom. We were the only tenters there and it was quiet and serene and a wonderful experience. This picture was taken at 11 PM. We slept with the fly off the tent that night to enjoy the "midnight sun" and the sounds of the woodpeckers pecking. :)

  • Dennis Genge

    Dennis Genge


    Great spot for rv vacation. Worth going out of your way. Stock up on supplies before you go.

  • en



    Clean campground. Clean facilities, reasonable price. Would camp here again if we come up this way. Gerry the host was very accommodating and helpful with everything. His wife (sorry I can't remember her name) friendly and nice. Best place on our trip so far. We went from Vancouver Island to Yellowknife now through AB to ON. Thanks for The great stay!!

  • en



    We stopped in for the night on our way trough town, they where extremely accommodating, clean campgrounds and great people .

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