Allegro Coffee Company de Vancouver

CanadaAllegro Coffee Company



🕗 horaire

510, West 8th Avenue, V5Z 1C6, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 778-370-4210
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2637553, Longitude: -123.1150993

commentaires 5

  • Michelle Wake

    Michelle Wake


    Everyone is lovely and the food is good, especially enjoying the Greek yoghurt right now but the service is SO slow. Too much chit chat when there is a big line up. A little service focus would make this ideal as a quick stop coffee shop on your way to work, otherwise I’d only recommend going if you have time to kill.

  • Billy Lam

    Billy Lam


    Get their bulletproof coffee. Seriously trust me on this.

  • Anna Tasca

    Anna Tasca


    I got an espresso and despite the bad reviews it wasn't bad at all. Pastries are the same (and same price) you can find downstairs at whole foods.

  • Cecilia Martin

    Cecilia Martin


    Good service, but it was by far the worst latte i've ever had. And i'm no coffee snob. Had to sadly throw it out..

  • Elina Birmingham

    Elina Birmingham


    Has gone way down hill. Used to have some of the best lattes in down. Just bought two lattes that tasted like nothing!

Café la plus proche

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