Admiral Inn i Hamilton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaAdmiral Inn



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149, Dundurn Street North, L8R 3M1, Hamilton, Hamilton Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-529-2311
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2678285, Longitude: -79.8858802

kommentar 5

  • Deborah Ramsperger

    Deborah Ramsperger


    We always stay here when we visit Hamilton. The hotel is very clean and quiet, super comfortable beds and a the staff are friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Jul Dickson


    Their use of "air fresheners" was over the top ridiculous. Even my husband who is mot scent sensitive was complaining. The hallways are even worse than the rooms. The stairways stick of pot from people smoking below. The staff and construction people sit outsude the one entrance and all smoke, it was awful. The desk staff were very nice and when I mentioned this they apologized but nothing changed. They did put an ozone machine in our room to fumigate it but the next day the maid sprayed everything down again with the "air freshener", even with a note on file saying not to. We just got into the habit of leaving a big note each day. Not a cheap place to stay and even if it was cheaper not worth it in my opinion.

  • Susan Vanderbilt

    Susan Vanderbilt


    A clean comfortable stay. Good restaurant on location or many nearby locations for delivery or a close by place to go. I could easily stay for a week or just a night. The fitness room was also nice.

  • Mia Laze

    Mia Laze


    Two good things about this place is that 1. It has a restaurant on the first floor. I personally prefer to dine some where else for a healthier menu. 2. Close to the downtown area. Not the cleanest hotel ... a very boring place over all. Not worth the price.

  • Jesse Lyness

    Jesse Lyness


    Great price and clean hotel. Nice and central and just off the highway. Restaurant was alright, nothing to brag about with fair priceing . I have stayed here a few times and will continue to. Lady at front desk nights is incredible every time.

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