Ace Automotive de Thunder Bay

CanadaAce Automotive


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

113 Leith St, P7C 1M7, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 807-624-7642
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3860397, Longitude: -89.2423898

commentaires 4

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    Eugene Kroker


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    Morgan Belanger


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    Star Powder Coating Inc


    This place is full of idiots. no one knows whats going on. If you ask them a question they point at the next guy and say go ask them. Was going to buy a truck from them they posted all wrong info on the web about it. Wasted my time and money to look at this truck. Don't go there. Thanks

  • en

    Un usuario de Google


    Sold me a car that didn't work/ had tons of problems, would not take it back. Car died after 3 months. Jay, the owner, is an A-hole... don't ever buy a car from them, you will be ripped off Would put the full swear words in but Google would take the post off

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